Thursday, October 31, 2019

Found some great YouTube videos on climate science
Thought I'd share them here

"Climate science in a nutshell"  - is a wonderful collection of easy to understand videos, each  less than 3 minutes long.

Go's okay to be smart......

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Never had a 'blog' goes

Today I start a new course on FutureLearn (free!!), though the University of Exeter (I went to Exeter some 20 years ago and toured the locations of witch hangings - sooooo awesome), called Climate Change: The Science, (yay,  science bitches!!),  with a mix of excitement to learn new things, and slight trepidation at the 'what I'm going to find out' as I learn.

I remember talking to my friend Chris close to 10 years ago now about climate change. We were in his lounge pouring over his book collection when he showed me one of his more recent ones. Apologies to the author, but I cannot remember the author or the title, but it was about climate change, global warming, and the future of humans on this planet. Chris looked at me with sad eyes, a forlorn expression and said with a heavy heart, "We're fucked. We're all fucked."
"But can't we fix things? Surely if we change our ways we'll be okay?" I desperately asked.
"Nope" he nodded slowly, "It's too late. Things are much worse than people realise. We're fucked."

I'll never forget the look on his face or the way he expressed his opinion about our collective future. I wanted him to be wrong, so very wrong. As the years have passed, I note with increasing sadness, fear, depression and a heavy melancholy that Chris's words seem to be standing true.
Nearly 10 years on and things don't seem to have gotten any better, things aren't being fixed, we're not changing our ways - certainly not fast enough or 'big' enough.

With this lack of change from the two-legged upright ape descendants, also comes the loud-mouthed deniers, the outspoken and opinionated harbingers of falsehoods and fake news spewing their misguided and misinformed rhetoric. And those of us lacking the education or time, those of us complacent and lazy, we hear these loud voices rising above all others, rising above the 'science speak' and we don't understand the latter, so we jump on the bandwagon with the former. And in doing so,  we enable the lies and misinformation and hey, we like a good slander at those no-good, greenie hippies doing nothing better with their time than to protest and stop us from getting to work on time right!?

I think it's time we gave less time, less energy - no, wait, NO more time and NO more energy to those who are in 'denial' or simply don't understand. But we can't go in heavy handed and expect people to change their minds if we just yell at them; "THIS IS THE SCIENCE, LOOK AT THESE GRAPHS, SEE THESE NUMBERS, THAT PROVES IT!!!!!" We have to be smart and we have to arm ourselves with the evidence based science.

That's what I'm here for: the evidence based science. I want to learn all I can and share that knowledge in the same way I share my passion for the oceans and all the incredible creatures that live from the sand to the sea.

It's time to raise the voices of science.

This image was taken on the day of the Global Climate strike at Aslings Beach, Eden, NSW, Australia. Can you see me? I'm the last person in the middle horizontal line of the "E" :)